Sunday, August 21, 2005

Vodcasts Ready! - 8/21/05

At long last, the vodcasts appear to be ready to go! The reason it's taken so long is because I've been in the process of changing my website provider to one which has 2GB of file storage space so as to accomodate video files. The new location is finally up and running, so let's hope this all works. Please remember that these files can be quite large and should be viewed over a high-speed connection! Here's what you can do if you're so inclined:

Choice One - Using iTunes. Open iTunes 4.9 (if you don't have the latest version of iTunes which supports podcasting, download it from here.) Under the "Advanced" menu on the menu bar, choose "Subscribe to Podcast..." Type or cut-and-paste in the following URL:

You should then see iTunes fetching the information and the video file. In order to see the video from within iTunes, make sure the Album Artwork window is open and active. The button is on the lower left-hand side of the bottom of the window, and looks like an arrow or eject button. iTunes can check automatically every week for a new podcast if you want to set that under Preference/Podcasts, or you can do it manually. Depends on how often you personally use iTunes.

Choice Two - using a browser. You need a browser which has the Quicktime plug-in and is capable of handling internet streaming. I recommend Firefox for PC or Mac, (but especially for PC) or Safari for Macs. I don't use IE for Windows too often, but if I used a PC I would use Firefox rather than IE simply for security reasons. Click on or paste this URL into your browser:

This should bring you to a web page where the various podcasts as they are created will appear. You'll have to check manually to see if any new ones have been posted. If you have trouble with either of these options, email me and let me know what trouble you have. I've tested them, but you never know what's going to happen out there in cyberspace once it all goes live.

Quick news - Daniel returned today to observe our first run-through of R3. Good to have him back, but he's not yet on his feet. R3 went OK, coming in at 2:14 with a few screw-ups. Jim Warren, our Artistic Director, also showed up today after a long absence tending to his wife and newborn daughter, who was premature and spent some time in neonatal ICU. Good to have him back as well. And a hearty congratulations to all the cast members, crew, interns, and office and artistic staff of Shakespeare in Delaware Park on completing their 30th season of Shakespeare in Buffalo NY! I hope the hills were bountiful, full and generous. -TWL

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